Body Countoring

Body Treatments ( Radio Frequency & ultrasonic waves)

Radiofrequency (RF) is a type of electromagnetic energy that is commonly used in aesthetic treatments. It’s a form of non-ionizing radiation that is able to penetrate the skin and heat up the underlying tissue without damaging the skin's surface. When the RF energy is applied to the skin, it can stimulate the contraction of collagen and elastin fibers. These fibers help to tighten and firm the skin, which can improve the appearance of cellulite. In addition to heating up the skin and stimulating collagen production, radiofrequency (RF) can also help dislodge lymphatic fluid that may be trapped in the tissue, moving it along and reducing any swelling or puffiness. Since cellulite can seem more prominent when there’s fluid buildup under the skin, this can be an effective way to help reduce its appearance. This service also relies on ultrasonic sound waves to break apart fat cells. The sound waves are also coupled with a red-light therapy that helps strengthen the client’s collagen. The ultrasonic sound waves are sent deep into the skin on a cellular level, causing a disruptive vibration that makes fat cells break apart from each other and dissolve from your dermal layers. In a few days, the fat cells are absorbed by your lymphatic system and are drained as waste from your body. 


*Wood Therapy

*Radio Frequency

1-hour treatment- $130.00

Package of 6 body sculpting treatments $750


Side handles, stomach & cellulite treatment 


*Wood Therapy

*Radio Frequency

1-hour Treatment $220

Package of 6 body sculpting treatments $1270


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